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If you already contacted the SecuROM™ support and got an automated response linking to this website, please reply with the ticketnumber included in the subject. Important: Provide a detailed error description as well as an analysis file for evaluation.
(For more information about the analysis file, please click here)

Please make sure that you have read the following posts about popular titles:

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Please also make sure that you have read the following FAQs:

    - General information about SecuROM™
       e.g. What is SecuROM™?, ...
    - SecuROM™ Product Activation: Licence information - Activation/Revocation
       e.g. e.g. I cannot activate my program, what can I do?, ...
    - SecuROM™ Disc Check / authentication
       e.g. e.g. I cannot start my program, what can I do?, ...
    - SecuROM™ Components and uninstall details
       e.g. Details about stored files on the HDD, Removal tool, ...

Yes, I have read the above posts but they did not answer my question or resolve my problem!

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